Friday, February 10, 2012

Why run at 5:30am? Fewer werewolves.

There're also fewer zooming bicyclists to dodge on the way to Central Park.

Fewer cabs. Cars. And trucks.

No roller bladers. Skateboarders. Or that guy practicing his cross-country skiing on wheels (rollerskiing?) - if you've ever seen him?

Nobody's window shopping. Or texting while they walk. Or ogling the tall buildings with their Nikons. The few brave (not me) souls who're out have their Nikes on and're moving like they're on a mission.

In the City That Never Sleeps, think 5:30am catches many New Yorkers napping, snug in their beds. But y'know what? At that pre-caffeinated hour, I'm just glad that they're anywhere but in front of me.

Here's hoping your day's got minimal interference, including being 100% werewolf-free.

(Photo courtesy of Isarda Sorensen.)

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