Monday, February 14, 2011

Mother Nature is your secret admirer today

Whether you take advantage of today's weather or not, this is Mother Nature's Valentine's Day gift to you.

Biking to work, while sloppy, is encouraged.
So is wearing shorts (seriously - one guy in the agency actually did today - see the photo?).
Maybe it's time for a slightly shorter-than-usual haircut.

In any event:
• Unmuffle those scarves
• Unhand those gloves and - c'mon -
• Don't be a nay-sayer; skip that extra layer.

Enjoy thoughts of shorter-sleeves and longer, sun-doppled days. Okay ok. It's not quite sandal weather, but it's encouraging to think that way.

Happy Valentine's Day and thanks for reading down here.


  1. You tell em brother... I just returned for a short run here in Hoboken along the Hudson wearing SHORTS! Was awesome feeling the sun on my legs; a feeling I long forgot. Go away snow, melt, melt melt as spring is almost here.

  2. Thanks for the note, Brian. Just remember - there's a limit to Mother Nature's warm gift. Tonight's expected to be 25 degrees.
