Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Starting over? Go for it.

There is no statue of limitations on staring over.


But, a word before you begin: relax.

Consider maybe this is not the time for a re-anything. Maybe this is the time to start fresh.

Rebel. Torch it to ash and toss it in the trash. Begin at the beginning. With a new beginning. It’s what I’m doing on this blog after a very long vacancy.

So don’t mind the naysayers; clear your mind.

Create with a clean slate.

More power to you.

Anybody else hear John Lennon singing this in the background of this post?

And thanks for reading all the way down here.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Wishing vs Working 
(aka: It Ain’t Shin Splints)

For all the hoopla about hope, it makes a wretched remedy.

Hope, like it’s sibling - Placebo Effect, is no cure.

Time is often a cure.  Rest is too. But hope, with its wild, wide-eyed, pie-in-the-sky, fly-by-night, put-up-a-fight, just ain’t right to make us alright.

At least, not when it comes to thinking you’ve developed shinsplints even after you stopped running for over a month. (It was actually another stress fracture.)

Lesson learned.

So here’s to hearing when your body says, “hey.” And to having the wisdom of sharing that vital intel with somebody who can make a real difference (in my case, happy to share that it was Dr. Jordan Metzl at Hospital for Special Surgery).

Thanks for reading all the way down here.