Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Why is my cellphone more needy than my kids?

Why isn't it more self-reliant?

• It needs more juice (when the battery's low)

• It needs to be silenced (when I'm in a meeting)

• It needs to be told it can't interrupt me with a call when I'm already on a call

• It needs to be with me at all times because otherwise it'll get left behind.

To help wean it off this dependency, I refuse to take it with me running, biking or swimming (apparently, cellphones are allergic to water).

Hope you find time to fulfill your needs for exercise today. Without your phone.

And thanks for reading all the way down here.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Raise your hand if you're a raving lunatic

It ain't just Charlie Sheen. Although, I did have a bit in common with him as I bicycled in the pre-dawn chill today.

Yeah, it was cold.

Yeah, it was dark.

Yeah, I was the only one out there. And I do so mean Out There. Quasi-delirious.

See, I was deathly afraid of getting mugged by a raging, rabid raccoon in Central Park, not that either of us would've been more crazy than the other.

Turns out it was a false alarm about those furry fiends.

So g'head and get outdoors today for a little dose of crazy of your own. There's plenty of federal, state and local parks. Some doctors're even prescribing a visit to their patients.

But before you head on out, please accept my thanks for reading all the way down here.